Tricks to get followers on Twitter much more quickly

When you create your Twitter account, the first problem you have to solve is building an audience to tweet to, i.e. getting followers who are interested in your content, and this poses the classic chicken and egg problem.

I mean, how the hell do I get new followers if I don't have anyone to read my tweets?

But it's not like that, if you know how to do it, not only can you get them, but you can get them in a very reasonable time frame.

In a period of a few months you can get hundreds of quality followers (people who actually read what you tweet and interact with you) without having to use "dirty tricks" such as the follow/unfollow technique that has been abused and continues to be abused.

But what you're probably most interested in is growing fast on any social network, whether it's how to get followers on Instagram or how to do it on any other social network. What you're most interested in are the techniques to do it as fast as possible.

So today I'm going to focus on the tricks to get followers on Twitter that you can apply to get a good base of followers in a matter of days and from there accelerate your growth on this social network.

Many of these tricks will be useful not only for that initial start-up, but will also bring you a permanent (and increasingly intense) flow of new followers.

7 Basic strategies to get followers on Twitter
So let's move on to the 24 best strategies and tricks that I know (including the mistakes to avoid) to get the number of followers of your Twitter account to grow at a good pace, even when you are starting from scratch:

1. Define a thematic niche
This is another issue whose importance cannot be overemphasised.

It should also be made clear that you should not associate "niche" with "narrow" (like certain other niches...), "narrow" in this context means, above all, defined.

An attractive and original Twitter profile makes a positive first impact that is very conducive to being followed.

Technology can be your niche and yet it is a huge field with an almost infinite subject matter, a good example of a well-defined niche, but at the same time a very large one, both in terms of subject matter and audience.

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Why is it so important? Because when someone follows you, it's because you've found something that interests them.

That person's expectations will be in that line and related topics, if from there they start to find scattered things that have nothing to do with their interests, it is almost certain that they will stop following you.

Therefore, if you have a well-defined line of content, it is much easier for your followers to be loyal to you, as they will find what they are looking for.

2. Make sure your Twitter profile is attractive
This is the same as always. Image matters a lot, this is something inherent to us, although depending on the person, there are obviously very different degrees of sensitivity.

A profile with a suggestive presentation text and an image with a certain impact generates immediate interest. If you achieve this effect, many people will start looking at your timeline and if they like it, they will follow you.

Moreover, you have very powerful free tools at your disposal, such as Canva, which will help you a lot in this task:

As you can see in the video above, with a little bit of willpower, it's not difficult at all to make a good profile and believe me: it's worth the investment.

The video is in English (I couldn't find any current and convincing video in Spanish), but remember that with the little wheel on the player (settings) you can activate the subtitles and their automatic translation into Spanish.

3. Publish relevant and quality content
This point is obvious, there are many people who are dedicated to tweeting rubbish and wonder why after a few years they don't even reach 100 followers.

So insist once again that people are only interested in what brings them value and not your rubbish. The crap, better take it to the dump.

4. Tweet and retweet a lot
On Twitter it's pretty unlikely that a follower will see a tweet from you, except for people who follow very few people. It's a simple matter of space and time and therefore most tweeters only have time to "catch" a small fraction of the tweets of the people they follow.

Therefore, tweeting a lot (even repeating tweets at different times) simply increases the likelihood of being seen and even by repeating moderately there is no risk of being tiresome as it is really very difficult for a follower to come across a repeated tweet from you.

Finally, don't mind tweeting a lot from the beginning, even if absolutely nobody reads your timeline yet.

It may seem absurd, but it's not: it makes a lot of sense because the quality of your timeline is one of the most important criteria that (discerning) people will examine before deciding to follow you. If it's empty, too bad...

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