The new tools of construction

Real estate sector stays ahead of the curve with drones, software and apps

Technology facilitates work and increases efficiency in the main sectors of the Colombian market. Architects, engineers and all professionals associated with the construction sector have not been oblivious to the new digital processes and have made this activity in the country to be at the forefront internationally.

"It is important that construction companies adopt new technological products to offer a better product to their clients. Not only in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of quality and safety that is transferred to the construction site. This allows the builder to be more efficient, have higher quality and sell at better prices per square metre, which translates into competitiveness," explained Lucas Moreno, vice president of innovation at Cementos Argos.

Acquisitions to make builders' work less complex and safer range from technological devices, mapping software, digital portals and materials that serve as building equipment. In this context, remotely controlled drones, Building Information Modelling (BIM) systems and Enterprise Resource Management or Licify are used.


These devices, which have already become popular as an entertainment gadget, save many hours in construction work. Their easy access to remote locations and reduced visit times are some of the advantages they offer for the aerial inspection of a lot, especially on large rural properties. Journeys that used to take six to eight hours to inspect now take one to two hours with a drone.

"At Cbre we use our drone equipment to take photographs and videos of the property, as well as to verify certain measurements. For us, the most important thing is the image itself, which can be accompanied by all the information that professional cameras provide, including georeferencing data," said Juan Sebastián Álvarez, director of appraisals and consultancy at Cbre.


It is a software specialised in graphing and managing the basic data of a building during its life cycle. The system is necessary for construction because it avoids conflicts on construction sites and helps engineers and architects to have a preview of the building. As the project is designed, the programme provides an estimated total cost figure.

"This provides a three-dimensional image where the system shows quantities, pipe crossings and specifications of technical details. This software is starting to be used with suppliers so that they have a better idea of what their projects are worth with real market prices," said Luis Aurelio Díaz, general manager of the Oikos business group.


This tool helps managers know the status of their projects in real time. Users have access to the platform from anywhere in the world and it helps them monitor the amount of materials entering their project, the status of the works and the price of each item in the denomination of their choice. The most recognised companies in this technology are Oracle, People Soft, JDEdwards and SAP. The cost to license this product is between $200,000 and $500,000.


The portal helps buyers to contact resellers in a simple way. Interested parties post their requirements and bidders respond with their bids. In the end, the app chooses the best ones and connects the parties. Subscription is between $1.5 million to $7.5 million.

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