How can medical technology change the future?

Are we ready for the new Medical Technology?

Since its inception, medicine has been linked to technology. To get where we are today, several technological innovations were necessary to discover new methods.

From equipment for examinations to curing diseases, the advancement of medical technology has improved the quality of work in health, and still does today.

In the age of information technology, its influence on the medical field could not be otherwise.

The large amount of data in relation to patients, pathologies, among other areas of scope of the field, currently has the possibility of receiving a systematised treatment, so that all this content is documented and interpreted in a more practical way.

Today, there are technological innovations that are still in the implementation phase, as well as systems that already operate in thousands of offices around the world.

Main medical technology tools
1. cognitive computing
Cognitive computing is an area of medical technology in which computers can think similarly to human beings. Currently, the system is already used in stock market operations, where the computer evaluates the best investments in real time.

In medicine, cognitive computing is also already making a considerable contribution.

Watson Oncology, for example, is a cognitive computing system which evaluates the possibilities of a patient having cancer through exams carried out by a health professional.

If a high chance of the disease is found, the device also offers treatment options to the patient.

In this case, although it works autonomously, cognitive computing equipment has the professional medical apparatus to assist.

Cognitive computing is still in the process phase. As it represents a great advance in medical technology, there is still a lack of specialised professionals and companies working on its development.

However, the growth is remarkable.

In Brazil, for example, cognitive computing is starting to be part of undergraduate and post-graduate courses.

In the medical field, Watson Oncology is the exponent. Its system is implemented in two hospitals in the United States, MD Anderson and Memorial Sloan-Kettering.

Both are benchmarks in cancer treatment and promise further development through the system's database, which enables long-term evaluations and contextualisation with scientific research.

2. Big Data
Big Data is another form of interference of information technology on the medical field.

Its intention is to gather data in a large database in order to make more advanced diagnoses and predict the proliferation of diseases, as in the case of epidemics.

With patient data systematised on a platform, it is possible to structure it in such a way that it can be related to the point of establishing patterns for different cases.

HGv medical

With the help of cognitive computing, Big Data can become even stronger, because the analysis work is no longer manual and offers faster results.

Big Data is, therefore, a data platform that can cover various areas.

In the medical field, the system is similar to a medical record, where the health professional can find all the information collected about the patient.

However, its great differential is not the individual analysis, but rather, the collective analysis of the data.

Analysing the data in a systematised way enables the doctor to have a broad view of the symptoms and characteristics of patients with a particular pathology.

If associated, Big Data has the opportunity to establish new standards for research and for the development of treatments.

How can Telemedicina Morsch assist in medical technology?
The technological solutions that facilitate the physician's work, from patient care to office management are available on the Morsch Telemedicine platform.

Calculating surgical risk, for example, is a process that traditionally can be quite time consuming.

The patient consults the doctor, who recommends an examination, and only after this external examination the patient returns to the doctor's office with the report.

If this method is used, the surgical risk calculation may take days to be carried out, influencing the patient's health condition.

However, there are already alternatives for this type of interpretation. The Morsch Telemedicine platform performs the surgical risk calculation.

With the use of telemedicine, the exams can be performed and sent by the telemedicine platform to the specialist who is in charge of analyzing the data contained and making the report available to the physician in minutes.

This process makes the calculation of surgical risk much faster, which may influence in a more efficient service for the patient.

The differential of Morsch Telemedicine is the proximity of the users to the specialists.

Each physician who submits an exam to the platform has the opportunity to follow up and clarify doubts with the professional specialist who performs the analysis.

Therefore, the system becomes even more reliable.

The data sent is analysed in real time, which reduces waiting times.

If the problem is the lack of equipment to perform exams, the company's clients can rent equipment for lending.

Through this medical technology, the waiting time for the external environment is avoided and the report can arrive more quickly.

At the same time that it analyses the information of each patient, telemedicine is in charge of storing this data in a systematic way.

Using the system, the doctor acquires a data platform where research and other findings can be made.

The access is unlimited, so the doctor has the opportunity to access the data whenever necessary.

In addition, the tool elaborates different statistics at different time levels and according to the needs of each professional.