Design tips for e-commerce websites

Web design plays a vital role in creating a successful e-commerce site. The best product in the world can easily be overlooked if the design is not there to back up the presentation.

The best part about web design and advice is that most design advice is based on data and case studies. While there is always room for creativity and expression of inspiration, data-based advice ensures tangible results.

The goal is to sell more of what your brand has to offer. Whether it's through clever design elements or bold statements that entice customers to learn more.

Great web design not only inspires users to take action, but also helps build trust in your brand. Action is what drives sales, and design is there to encourage users to take actions like buying or reaching out.

This article is for anyone who wants to fine-tune their e-commerce website design. It doesn't matter if you use WordPress, Wix, BigCommerce, or a custom ecommerce platform. The lessons and tips described below apply universally as modern design principles.

Tell a story
Example of storytelling by the dozen
Great products have great stories behind them. Anyone can create an e-commerce site and sell whatever they want. But no one can create a successful brand image around their product.

Your ability to tell a compelling story about your brand will help you develop a strong brand image. In addition, storytelling promotes loyalty. Customers are more likely to remember your brand if they feel you are sincere and personal. And the best way to become personal is to tell a story.

What inspired you to create your product?
How has your product affected your life?
What is your future vision?
Who is your target customer?
Once you start answering these questions, you can have a much clearer idea of how to structure your e-commerce design. Make users feel part of something special.

Wouldn't you want customers to come back to your shop because they were inspired?

Create less choice
Walden being pinned with their product promotion.
There is nothing more unpleasant than a sloppy browsing experience in the shop. The goal of the sale is to get users to add items to their cart. But if your navigation provides hundreds of options, users will quickly lose patience and leave the site completely.

Walmart is a great example of what not to do unless you want to cater to long-term sales. Their navigation provides an overly saturated list of navigation options, making you dizzy when you're done finding what you need.

Simple e-commerce navigation // Mercari
The easier it is for customers to find a specific product, the more time they have to learn about the product - and ultimately make a purchase.

Helpful: Experiment with building a navigation structure using Sketch, Photoshop or any other wireframing tool. Analyse the process by which users access the home page, browse a directory and finally reach the product page.

This is probably one of the most important design tips for e-commerce sites.

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