7 useful tips to reduce stress

After a short break over Easter, it's time to get back to the routine and a more hectic pace of life: work, studies, housework, social events... In fact, did you know that 7 out of 10 Spaniards say that stress is one of the main problems that detract from their quality of life? And behind it, in most cases, is the lack of time.

Stress is a frequent physiological response to a momentary situation that demands a greater effort than usual, whether physical, mental or emotional. It usually involves a state of nervous tension, caused by emotional problems (e.g. the loss of a loved one) or the demands of everyday life, which need not necessarily be negative, as it is in fact a natural process that helps us to overcome difficulties and perform at a high level.

However, if this situation is prolonged for too long, it can have a negative impact on our health and our way of life, manifesting itself in many ways: headaches, memory loss, lack of concentration, phases of diarrhoea or constipation, weight gain or loss due to decreased or increased appetite, anxiety, constant tiredness, mood swings, sexual problems...

If you have noticed some of these symptoms, don't worry, because your problem has a solution: you can reduce stress by following these simple tips!

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Meditate: it is enough to dedicate a few minutes a day to meditation to lower your cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and anxiety. You can also alternate meditation with deep breathing or muscle relaxation exercises.
Listen to music: music has been proven to change people's moods. When faced with a heavy workload, you can try playing relaxing music (preferably classical or instrumental) in the background, as it will help you to concentrate. And on a personal level it can also help: play your favourite music while doing household chores or taking a shower - singing and dancing will certainly put you in a better mood!
Connect with the earth: enjoy nature more often! Listening to the sound of the sea, going for a walk in the countryside or watching the sunset brings serenity and peace of mind. You should also try to sunbathe for at least 15 minutes a day to get the vitamin D your body needs, but don't forget to use sunscreen!
Try to get enough sleep: we know that sometimes you have such a long to-do list that you have no choice but to take hours off your sleep to fulfil all your obligations, but that is a big mistake. Sleeping between 7 and 9 hours a day helps regulate cortisol levels and also helps us to be sufficiently rested to face all the daily chores. So now you know: try to keep a regular schedule, switch off your mobile phone a couple of hours before going to bed and don't have a big dinner that makes it difficult to fall asleep.
Increase your social life: there is nothing like meeting your loved ones to reduce your stress levels. Being able to talk about your problems frankly, to feel that you are listened to and cared about, or simply to escape in the company of your family and friends, is one of the best therapies you can find.
Do sport: physical activity will help you to combat anxiety and rest better, although you should not do demanding exercises from late afternoon onwards, as your body will be activated and you will find it difficult to sleep. In addition, doing sport releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters responsible for making us feel happy and wellbeing. So get that body moving!
Eat better: stress and anxiety can lead you to overeat, especially fats and sugars. However, these foods, which give you immediate energy, will make you feel even more tired in the long run. Therefore, if you want to keep stress at bay, you should avoid stimulants such as coffee or alcohol, drink plenty of water and eat a healthy diet, especially fruit and vegetables.
Remember that these are just a few practical tips that you can incorporate into your daily life to try to reduce stress and anxiety. However, if this situation persists over time, it is advisable to see a professional: your GP or a psychologist will be able to advise you on the most appropriate treatment for your needs.